svçtdiena, 23. februâris, 2025
Technical Partners International Inc. / TP Riga
Vienîbas gatve 109, Riga, LV-1058, Latvia

Logo +371 29255223 ,
Logo SKYPE: ed.kalvins,
Retirement Village


“Retirement Village Latvia” ( is an aged care development project which, when complete, will accommodate 800 residents over the age of 55 years and provide employment for 900 people in a gated retirement community.’s long term goal is to be perceived as the primary provider of quality aged care services in the Baltics.
The concept originates from similar projects in Australia, but modified to suit Latvian conditions. Its financial success will be based on a “multi function / multi payer” principle with a critical mass to sustain operations.
The project was started in 2006 but suspended in 2008 because of the world financial crisis when it became clear that financing through normal channels would not be available. Conditions are now appropriate for implementation.
A one year development period has been anticipated which will include negotiations with strategic partners and investors, finalization of the development plan, land acquisition, addressing legal issues, concept designs and marketing. The construction project is expected to be completed in 3 years. will develop strategic partnerships with Ex-Pat Latvian organizations and other business organizations and operators who are in the aged care business.
It is important to emphasize that the clientele is expected to be those over 55 years of age who perhaps are in perfectly good health when they move into, but as time goes on, can use the services offered by in the village, whether these services be medical, cultural or social.
The project’s economic viability is based on a “multi user / multi payer” concept which calls for each function, service or building be financed by several different clients or parties to decrease risk associated with uncertain payments or changing purchasing patterns and provide various sources of income for the community. A critical mass which will ensure the project’s financial viability has been selected recognizing that small projects simply can’t pay for themselves.
The project includes 3 senior citizens apartment buildings, a nursing home, a hotel, a medical centre/office building, private homes and a social centre including a community centre, stores, chapel, meeting rooms, etc. The territory will have parks, recreational facilities and parking.
The Medical Centre will attract medical professionals who wish to be close to clients with reasonable disposable incomes, but who also want to work out of reasonably priced medical facilities with parking spaces relatively close to the major population centers. The Medical Centre will also provide normally needed and close-by emergency services including family doctors, dentists, eye centre, etc. It is expected that the Medical Centre will offer rehabilitation services and specialized operations. Medical professionals in this community would be encouraged to be involved in medical tourism, that is, offering medical services to foreigners.
The Hotel will serve a multi-functional purpose, these including facilities for visiting friends and relatives of residents and/or those who are recuperating from operations at the Medical Centre, besides providing normal hotel functions for local use.
There are no private facilities in Latvia for pensioners and/or senior citizens in organized communities providing the services that will provide. This will make unique. There are some private nursing homes in Latvia, but these are generally expensive. Their small size demands a well-to-do clientele that can afford such services. Most age care centers are owned and operated by the state or municipal authorities and are part of the social services ministry (federally) or departments (municipally). These are usually for patients needing constant supervision and attention. The quality of care is “questionable” (by reputation) and they are sometimes referred to as “poor houses”. As a result, there is an acute need for affordable private retirement homes.
Ed Kalvins, the owner of Technical Partners Int’l Inc. (Canada) / “TP Riga” SIA (Latvia) heads a development group from Canada, the UK and Australia which consists of aged care, health care, project, business management and project design specialists. Ed is based in Latvia with extensive project management experience from Canada, and 20 years experience in Latvia. His local team provides local know-how and familiarity with regulations and procedures, while expertise is acquired mainly from abroad.
Architect - SIA „NAMS”  (  - Serge Nikiforovs is the main project architect with responsibility for all technical design considerations and approvals. He is a Professional Architect and owner of the Architects Office Nams. He has been selected to be the Chief Architect for and to provide architectural design, territorial planning and project management expertise.
The location of the project is not site specific, and may be located anywhere that meets the requirements of the project.
The developers have identified several possible sites and municipalities which are currently under consideration including Mâlpils and Cçsis. A final decision will have to wait for the opinions of strategic partners and investors.
The town of Malpils has been tentatively selected because of its existing infrastructure and location close to Riga. Malpils existing infrastructure (stores, sports hall, cultural centre) will be available to residents of in the early stages of the construction project.
·       The town of Malpils already has an established infrastructure and facilities.
·       There is municipal and federal support.
·       Cheaper heat could be available from the local heat supply authority in conjunction with an energy from waste facility planned nearby.
·       Available work force to support the facility.
For more information, please contact Ed Kalvins at

June, 2014

