tređdiena, 23. oktobris, 2024
Technical Partners International Inc. / TP Riga
Vienîbas gatve 109, Riga, LV-1058, Latvia

Logo +371 29255223 ,
Logo SKYPE: ed.kalvins,

Proven, professional Project Management results in a flexible, easy to use system.

The PM-PROformance™ System is designed especially for small to mid-sized manufacturers, municipalities, non-profits and businesses.


1. The challenge

Is your company, department or organization negatively impacted by:

  • Missed deadlines
  • Projects or purchases going over budget
  • Confusion as to who does what
  • Apparent lack of controls
  • No responsibility taken for mistakes
  • Grandstanding
  • Individuals vie for credit for accomplishments.
  • There is a visible lack of team effort.
  • Morale appears to be a problem – the immediate solution appears to be team-building seminars.

If the answer is NO: Congratulations, you have a great organization! Keep doing what you’re doing.

If the answer to any item is YES, the cause is probably related to how work assignments are managed and organized. The PM-PROformance™ System is a unique, hands-on approach designed to help resolve these issues to achieve a more profitable and successful operation.


2. The Solution

The PM-PROformance™ System


3. The Process


Step 1:  Presentation to management (one half hour).

  • Understanding the system to support implementation.


Step 2:  Evaluation of current practices

  • Everyone has some form of project management system in place, and some components that work better than others. The PM-PROformance™ System effectively targets only those components that need improving, providing you with a benchmark report outlining the current status of project management techniques and recommended changes.

Step 3: Selection

  • Specialist(s) are selected, coaches are assigned and trainees are identified.

Step 4:  Modification

  • The PM-PROformance™ System is tailored to meet the unique specifications of your organization.

Step 5:  The seminar (2 hours)

  • Overview training of the PM-PROformance™ System. The goal is to provide awareness of what is involved. We do not expect the information to be retained at this point.

Step 6:  Implementation

  • A PM-PROformance™ coach works with the trainee(s) on an as-needed basis, supporting project work as it arises. The principle is to have the coach demonstrate a technique, then have the trainee complete it under supervision. Site meetings can be easily arranged, however communication vehicles such as e-mails, SKYPE and other web programs are utilized wherever possible to maximize response times and reduce expenses.

Step 7: Support

  • Additional support is available wherever needed.

Step 8:  The audit

  • Reviews are recommended every three months, to ensure your organization continues to benefit from the system and to measure progress against established benchmarks.



Q: What exactly is the PM-PROformance™ System?

A: the PM-PROformance™ System is a method of effectively getting the most out of project management techniques while recognizing limitations (such as finances, time, manpower, attitude, etc.)


Q: I’ve taken project management courses and seminars. Why do I need the PM-PROformance™ System?

A: Most project management courses and seminars give you the theory. This is good and necessary, but it’s like learning to drive a car. You need the theory to understand how things should be done, but the real learning comes when you sit behind the wheel and go out on the street. A driving instructor helps you put that knowledge into practice to navigate the road safely and well. It’s the same with project management. No two projects are the same, so the real learning comes when you start working on specific projects. That’s when expert help and advise from the coach (or instructor) keeps you out of trouble and helps develop good working habits.


Q: Don’t regular project management courses teach me everything I need to know about managing a project?

A: Not really. Project management courses give you a “one-size fits all approach. You know the basics, but most projects are quite different and require a flexible approach. The courses usually leave it to you to figure out how to apply the principles. And that’s why they fail. It’s really not that easy. Deciding where to apply a rigid set up and where you have to be flexible is important. A rigid system is to ensure others can follow what you’re doing, yet you have to be flexible enough to adapt to circumstances. Most project management courses also tend to ignore the human factor. Many people are overwhelmed by computer programs and spreadsheets, and develop a real resistance to them. Our coaches are sensitive to people’s likes and dislikes, and find ways to accommodate those that don’t fit the techy or paper tiger category. We adjust the format of the information they receive to fit their comfort levels encourages proper use.


Q: Does a timeline really help in relatively small projects and assignments? Isn’t using a project management program overkill? I just get confused by it all!

A: Yes – it does help, and no – it’s not overkill. Look at a timeline program as a glorified spreadsheet. When your coach starts training you to use it, it starts as a simple checklist of things to do. As you get more comfortable with it, other features will be added. You’ll quickly see the advantages of using dependencies, identifying critical paths and resource planning.  


Q: I’m a PMP. What do I need the PM-PROformance™ System for?

A: You should be using the PM-PROformance™ System only if you think there is room for improvement in what you already do. You’re going to pick up “tricks of the trade” and methods that aren’t covered in the standard project management program materials. Keep in mind that it still takes 30 years to get 30 years experience, so you may just benefit from the experiences (good and bad) of others to improve your own performance.


Q: I don’t have time for this stuff. What is all this for anyway?

A: The fact that you don’t have time is precisely why we offer a coach who can give you what you need, when you need it. The coach will set up your system based on your requirements and can easily help with the details which he is already familiar with, but time consuming for you. The PM-PROformance™ System is designed to avoid problems and help to do things right the first time. If you don’t have time “for this stuff” now, will you have more time to fix mistakes?


Q: PM systems are for big companies with big budgets. I can’t afford the time or the expense. Why should I consider the PM-PROformance™ System?

A: An important principle of the PM-PROformance™ System is to maximize with available resources. You may also not even need the full system, and you probably don’t need to learn everything about project management in one go. You’ll benefit from the experience of your coach and learn as you need to. This will keep costs down but give you the important project management skills you need to make your life easier and your business more productive.


Q: Running projects is not my main job function. Why should I be interested in the  PM-PROformance™ System?

A: A project is a project, regardless of your job title. We define a project as a non-repetitive assignment – large or small. The same principles apply and the same pitfalls exist. The trick is to try to avoid them. We know that people have other responsibilities and simply don’t have time to learn all the “ins and outs” of project management. The PM-PROformance™ System is designed to maximize your productivity with a little help from your coach.


Q: How do I get involved with the PM-PROformance™ System?

A: Just contact an authorized PM-PROformance™ System representative in your area.


5. CONTACT US: Ed Kalvins at