The following are services provided by Technical Partners (Technical Partners International Inc. / “TP Riga” SIA from their Riga, Latvia offices. For more information, please contact Ed Kalvins at
Market Entry Services
Technical Partners offers a “Business Development Scouting Mission” to Latvia for professionals who wish to determine what opportunities exist in the region.
The “Business Development Scouting Mission” is also provided in cooperation with the Northern European Business Association’s (NEBA) Visit Latvia Program.

Project Management and Monitoring Consulting Services
Partners support business owners and project managers with services
related to the construction, upgrading production facilities or
installing production lines either by participating in the project
management processes or monitoring the performance of those hired to do

Energy from Waste Cogeneration
Technical Partners and its international partners have formed “Baltic Renewable Energy Holding” SIA
for a development project to establish a small combined heat and power
(CHP) plant business in the Baltic States, using Advanced Thermal
Treatment Technology (ATT) to generate heat and power from biomass and

to the considerable experience acquired in our development project, we
have developed a centre of excellence for energy from waste projects in
Latvia and are providing this know-how to the international community.

Investment Projects
Retirement Village
Technical Partners is a developer of Latvia’s first retirement village. Concept designs have been completed and we are currently looking for strategic partners and/or financing.
Equipment Sales